· By Niamh Mannion
Sharing the Love: How Our Gestures Impact Relational Wellbeing
Gift-giving and conversations about pleasure.
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Hello there, pleasure seekers. My name is Niamh Mannion and I am a Sexologist-in-training here on Kaurna Yerta. Welcome to my cosy corner of the internet where I share insights into sexological topics and support you to access pleasure, yum.
Let's delve into the world of pleasure together and unwrap how the gesture of giving a sexy gift or chatting about exploring pleasure can spark joy, boost our connections, and elevate our intimate relationships.
So, grab a cup of your favourite brew, settle into your favourite corner, and let's unwrap pleasure together!
The impact of gestures on relationships and wellbeing
I’m going to preface this blog post with a definition of pleasure that I encourage you to keep in mind throughout this article: pleasure is subjective enjoyment that is playful and engages our senses and is truly foundational for human wellbeing. Likewise, sexual pleasure is the sexual experiences you adore and find stimulating.
Take a moment. I’d love it if you could pause and think about a time where you have been given a gift by a friend or partner, and upon opening it you felt seen and known. It felt so good, right? Like all the warm fuzzy goodness of connection.
The connection we feel when gift-giving and receiving strengthens our relationships as it showcases the time taken to understand the other persons preferences and desires. The impact of gestures and gift-giving goes well beyond the immediate, as thoughtful actions and meaningful exchanges increase feelings of happiness, satisfaction and value in that relationship.
Now when it comes to gifting sex toys, it can be an amazing way to reignite your sexual experiences. For instance, imagine unwrapping a carefully chosen sex toy. This not only adds a delicious layer to the pleasure experience but serves as a tangible commitment to mutual exploration and satisfaction. And, in case you’re curious, when it comes to enhancing intimate relationships… sex toys promote mutual pleasure and understanding of our own bodies and desires.
What could be better?
Science fact: the act of giving itself can trigger the love hormone (known scientifically as oxytocin), which contributes to our feelings of attachment and connection.
But I’m not here to solely speak about relationships between partners, I’m talking about our connection to self and our relationships with friends. As communication also plays a huge role in our platonic friendships, it’s this openness that often leads to a sense of trust and vulnerability within these relationships.
And as for ourselves, understanding what we like and prioritising sexual self-pleasure… now that’s hot.
Science fact: Masturbation has health benefits - ooo baby! It has been shown to promote better sleep, reduce stress and increase relaxation.
Have I lost you to the bedroom?
No? You’re still here? Cool, plenty of time for that later.
I’d like us to keep in mind that when exploring topics of sexuality that everyone’s experiences and levels of comfortability are different. Because of this, it’s important that we respect our friends, partners, and our own boundaries. With that being said, the benefits of discussing pleasure, sexual health and wellbeing with our friends and partners encourages a culture of transparency. Sharing stories and connection, can lead to improved overall sexual wellbeing, DELISH.
There is an incredible world of pleasure to explore out there, and the evidence suggests that pleasure boosts our immune system and keeps our nervous systems regulated - not to mention the incredible effects of connection to yourself and others.
So, with consent from your loved ones (yourself included), give the thoughtful gift of pleasure and see where your gestures take you.
Until next time, stay curious and keep your pleasure alive.
Your friend in sex ed,